The Challenge Center

Aaron Burkhardt B.A., C.P.R.P.
Director of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services at the Challenge Center

Brittani Burris B.S., C.P.R.P.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Supervisor at the Challenge Center

Nicole Darris
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Worker at the Challenge Center

Kim Jewell
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Worker at the Challenge Center

Russell “Rusty” Dodds B.A., C.P.R.P.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist at the Challenge Center

Caitlin Reagle B.A., C.P.R.P.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist at the Challenge Center

Rebecca “Becky” Edwards M.S., C.P.R.P.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist at the Challenge Center

John Echenoz B.S., C.P.R.P.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist at the Challenge Center
Renewed Life Haven

Ashley Fontanez
Personal Care Attendant Supervisor, Renewed Life Haven

Kilana Livingston
Administrator at Renewed Life Haven

Crystal Anderson
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

Joyce Anderson
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

Mary Chapman
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

Steve Baker
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

William “Bill” Young
Cleaner at Renewed Life Haven

Leah Bender
Cleaner at Renewed Life Haven

Luella Seley
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

Samantha Ritteger
Personal Care Assistant at Renewed Life Haven

David Pegg

Destanie Trauterman

Roberta Ward

Diana Burton
Driver Coordinator at Hand in Hand

Joe Carr

James Colwell

James Baker
Building & Property Maintenance

Robert “Bob” Knickerbocker
Maintenance Worker at Hand in Hand

Carol Reinsel
Janitor & Flower Tender

Kevin Chatley
Landscaper for Hand in Hand
Residential Rehabilitation

Michelle Horton
Residential Program Worker

Renee Neely
Resident Rehab Specialist

Marra Humes
Residential Program Worker

Kay Hasbrouck
Residential Rehab Worker

Amy Donovan
Residential Rehab Worker

Scott Beers
Residential Rehab Worker

Jasmin Dielemans
Residential Program Worker

JoEtta Hauck-Rhoads
Residential Rehab Worker

Derek Watson
Residential Rehab Assistant

Amy Fontanez
Residential Program Worker

Alex Bickel
Residential Program Worker
Employment Training Program

Amy Carr, CPS
Cleaner and Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Michael “Mike” Seley
Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Richard “Rick” Lawson
Cleaner at the Challenge Center.

Barry Miller
Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Karen Lawson Daugherty
Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Kimberly “Kim” Hetzler
Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Randell “Randy” Phillips
Cleaner at the Challenge Center

Jonelle Orozco
Receptionist at the Challenge Center

Joan Jones B.S.
Receptionist at the Challenge Center
Administration and Support

Darla Dodds
MA, LPC, CPRP - Founder/CEO

Michelle Lafferty MSW, LCSW
Director of Education and Advancement

Amy Nolf
Manager of Human Resources and Finances

Heather Rand
Administrative Assistant at Hand in Hand
Community Based Services

William “Bill” Schell
Community Living Specialist

Roderick “Rod” Anderson, B.A.
LISTEN Facilitator at Hand in Hand