
Brittani Burris B.S., C.P.R.P.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Supervisor at the Challenge Center

Brittani has been at Hand in Hand since 2018 where she has become a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Certified Facilitator.  Brittani’s overall career goal is to “bridge the gap” between the recovery and medical setting of mental health.  Her passion is strongly geared towards advocating for mental health rights and building hope in the recovery process.

Other Member


Aaron Burkhardt B.A., C.P.R.P.

Director of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services at the Challenge Center

Nicole Darris

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Worker at the Challenge Center

Kim Jewell

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Worker at the Challenge Center

Russell “Rusty” Dodds B.A., C.P.R.P.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Specialist at the Challenge Center