In the spirit of continuous learning, personal and professional development, Hand In Hand is proud to have so many gifted and talented employees and people who receive services. Hand In Hand relies on these talents to create advisory boards, leadership teams and creative action teams. Also, employees and people who receive services at Hand In Hand make up the majority of the Key Stakeholders, and it is essential that everyone’s voice is heard and people are empowered to provide input and ideas. No one person can do it all, and in these boards, teams and workgroups, everyone learns from each other.
Leadership Team | The PIT Crew | AWARDS Configuration Team | Safety Committee | Challenge Center Advisory Board | Renewed Life Haven Planning Team & Advisory Board
A leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it for themselves, to get things done, and to succeed beyond what they thought is possible.
-Simon Sinek
The Leadership Team is comprised of all Directors and Supervisors from every department at Hand In Hand. Topics include policies, budgets, training/cross training, hiring needs, ethics discussion, safety and updates, struggles and victories across the various departments.

This is a creative group of employees who meet to accomplish 4 goals:
- Goal #1: To Improve the Public IMAGE of Hand In Hand
- Goal #2: To get consistent MESSAGING (values, mission, motto) across all programs and services–with the employees, people we serve, and the public
- Goal #3: To ensure that we are using the same BRANDING across all marketing
- Goal #4: To Improve the Public KNOWLEDGE of Hand In Hand and its services
Special thanks to the PIT Crew for their hard work in developing this website as well as the agency marketing materials, logos and branding.
This is a team who are working with the software technicians of our Electronic Health Records system (AWARDS), to improve the work flow within each program and across the agency. In a sense, the team is working together to “build” the software so that our jobs are made easier, and we can maintain better records and more efficient reports.
This is a team who comes together to discuss the safety of the agency, its employees and the people who use the services. Topics of discussion and review include:
- Hazard detection and inspection
- Accident and illness prevention and investigation (including substance abuse awareness and prevention training)
- Safety Committee Structure and Operation
- Other health and safety concerns specific to Hand In Hand
Meeting Dates & Times:
2nd Wednesday of every month from 12:15pm to 1:00pm
The Advisory Board is designed to allow for maximum empowerment of its members and making sure everyone’s voice is heard. The advisory board also represents the voice of the Challenge Center participants and advisory board members bring ideas, suggestions, compliments and complaints from the body of their peers.
Functions of the Advisory Board include advising programmatic change, development of orientation procedures for new participants of the Challenge Center, development of the welcome packet for new participants, advising in the second interview process for new Challenge Center staff, choosing actions from the suggestion box, reviewing quality assurance notes from the Mystery Observer, planning special events, advising to keep the program on track to the recovery principles as well as the psychiatric rehabilitation philosophies, and receiving regular feedback and ideas from the participants of the Challenge Center to ensure that everyone’s voice will be heard.
How to Join:
You must be a Challenge Center participant or Challenge Center staff member to join this board, and board membership is by nomination and vote by Challenge Center peers and staff members when positions on the board come open. Talk to any Challenge Center staff member or Advisory Board Member if you have a desire to serve on the Advisory Board.
Current Team Members:
- Steve (Frog) Adams
- Roderick Anderson
- Kevin Chatley
- Karen Daugherty-Lawson
- Adam Dehner
- Erin Ducharme
- Kim Hetzler
- Bernice Klingler
- Randy Novak
- Dave Shoup
- Aaron Burkardt
- Darla Dodds
Meeting Dates & Times:
3rd Monday of every month from 2pm to 4pm at Renewed Life Haven
This Advisory Board is comprised of the following:
- People who are living, or have lived in a residential mental health setting such as a personal care home, group home, residential treatment facility or other mental health homes
- People who are interested in the Recovery Process and want to serve on the Advisory Board
- People who have family members who have are are residing in a residential mental health setting
- Any current staff member or resident of Renewed Life Haven
How to Join:
If fit any of the above qualifications and you have an interest in serving on the Renewed Life Haven Advisory Board, just contact The Administrator of Renewed Life Haven and let the Administrator know your interest.
Current Team Members:
- Kilana Livingston, Administrator of Renewed Life Haven
- Darla Dodds, CEO
- Caitlin Reagle, Psych Rehab Specialist, The Challenge Center
- Adam Dehner
- BJ Chapman
- Steve (Frog) Adams
- Mike Seley
- Bernice Klingler
- Joan Jones
- Joe Rankin
- Kim Hetzler
- Amanda McClelland
- Karen Daugherty